Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Armed Forces Day and Eat like a Tommy!

On the 27th June Great Wyrley High School hosted 'Eat like a Tommy Day'-an event that was intended to mark the centenary of the First World War and give the students of Great Wyrley a small glimpse of what the food was like for an ordinary soldier.  The catering staff did a fantastic job of the food-it was delicious!

Each dish had a special reference to an aspect or key theme of the First World War and they were largely based on dishes that soldiers would have been served either at home during that era or when they were in the reserve trenches.  It was homely and wholesome food!
The date chosen to run Eat like a Tommy Day coincided with Armed Forces Day (28th June) and so to mark the occasion students that are part of a cadet force were invited to come dressed in their uniforms.  
Connor Smith Y9

Nathan Ankritt and Louis Fellows Y8

Jacob Parker Y7

Megan Gwilt Y9

Milly Owens Y7
Each student that came dressed in their cadet uniform was given 40 vivos! Well done!


  1. if religious would not so damaging; be careful, religious-demoniac-Enola Gays-little boy-fat man-sick homo-vices-religious go saying in "their" global media that "World War III has already begun"...because Humankind escapes from religious, and religion no more, Humankind go to a best Future; demoniac-religious would give a pity

  2. if religious would not so damaging; be careful, religious-demoniac-Enola Gays-little boy-fat man-sick homo-vices-religious go saying in "their" global media that "World War III has already begun"...because Humankind escapes from religious, and religion no more, Humankind go to a best Future; demoniac-religious would give a pity
